Long overdue update
Well, we made it safe and sound to Rumginae. Other than the heat it has been a very nice place to live, and we are adapting to the heat quicker than we could have ever expected.

View of the river from our balcony. The river stays nice and cool and is our only escape from the heat.
Parking area at Rumginae, (Sorry aviation enthusiasts this will be the only airplane picture in this posting)
The Rumginae MAF base.
Our House.
Paula is slowing finding where she can help out in the hospital. On this day she went on rounds with one of the doctors. She has also been invited to help out in the O.R. and looks forward to that.
Kayla is fitting in very well. The two kids on either end of this group are Elliana (4 1/2) and Noah (2) are from California and have become great friends with Kayla.
Easter was a special time for all of the kids on the compound. They had a big Easter egg hunt followed by a picnic and the Easter story. I don't think Malachi fully understood what was going on but he seemed to enjoy himself none the less.

Great pictures! Your office isn't much smaller than our post office! HA! Hope you are doing well! Blessings!
I can't tell you how much I've loved hearing about what's going on with you guys on this blog. Paula, I hope sometime we can talk face to face again. I feel really sorry it never worked for us to hangout before you left, but we'd love to connect whenever you're back in this country! Until then, I will continue checking the blog. Mary
Hi, Nick & Paula:
Great photos--it brings back memories of our time in PNG over 20 years ago. We were there with Wycliffe (SIL), in Ukarumpa.
We'd love to make a connection with you, as our youngest son (Ryan) was born in PNG and will be visiting there at the end of December '07. He would like to volunteer in some way for a few weeks (or a month or two even). He does have construction experience.
We know your sister, Cynthia, as she graduated from PCS with another one of our sons.
If you can, please contact us by email (helmus@telus.net)
Look forward to hearing from you,
Bill Helmus (principal at PCS)
Hi Paula and Nick, I so enjoy reading your blog and keeping up-to-date with your lives. Great to hear you are involved at the local hospital Paula! You are often in our thoughts and prayers. May God continue to richly bless you as you bless others.
i was going to leave a comment, but then realized you hadnt updated since April... does that mean you've been off the internet since then? :-) Good to see you guys are thriving in your new home. Great to read your newsletter too!
Jocelyn and Josh R. Plett
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